Saturday, August 12, 2006


it was a few years ago while i was still a bumbling youngster, in the prime of my life, more spirit than sense, that i came across a bamboo hut during a walk through the forest.

on my first glance, i disregard the place as a potential night shelter for myself. the structure looked too flimsy to offer any protection from what i was expecting latter on that night. the dark clouds looked foreboding.

while i was walking away , I heard a sound which chilled my blood. made me quickly glance behind me. I giggled when I realized that it was just a strange man laughing crazy, it was a crackling rising laugh, it sounded out worldly. It was only latter that he told me that I was the first human he had seen in a number of years, strange.

i wondered what was wrong with him. He started talking to me. At least I think he was trying to talk to me. But all I heard was strange rumbling sounds coming out of the man.

i decided to stay there that night and see what this was all about.

after a few day I slowly began to understand the words the man was talking, was surprised to realize this was a language I had spoke from the time of my birth. He started telling me his story and what a strange story it was.

what I am putting down today, on the papyrus is just part of this man’s strange story.

“I do not remember the name my biological parents had given me” he told me. “as far as my memory goes I remember being called the Alchemist” . I shuddered when I heard this. For this was a name which I have heard brave men whisper in dread.

this dread was not the dread mere mortal feel. This was a supernatural dread. A dread which is allied with the night terrors.

he continued “I was given the name Alchemist by my master, when I was less than a year old, for he had sensed and seem what my future holds for me”

“from then on, all that my master talked to me was on how to awaken the strange power which were innately part of my life. These were magical moments of my life, the joy of learning the secrets of controlling my telekinetic and clairvoyance powers”

“I became really good with the sword and I had gone beyond what the best of the martial arts students knew, why I had gone beyond what the masters knew of martial arts, and all this before I was 5”.

(click for chapter 2)