Monday, November 22, 2004

Musing caused by Raindrops

Not that I am pissed off about this…just curious, do others see what I see.

Last few months this has been bothering me, kind off shows the time I have on hand. This has nothing to do with anything, and has no universal significance, does not add value to anyone or any process. Would this be something which Arthur Dent would be bugged about?maybe …maybe not?

Have you noticed that if there are 6 urinals in a toilet, and all are unused, you either go to the one in the middle or the one on the extreme left or the extreme right?
(The 6 urinal is just an sample case study of my office loo, the theory seems to operate in otherframes of reference too, like in the airport loo)

The theory becomes slightly more complex when one ofthe urinal is in so...

The new variable(y) entering the equation will ensure that he uses the urinal which is the farthest away from the one being used. Enter the third variable(z); this variable will make sure that there is a gap of at least one unused urinal on his left or the right.

And to get to the crux of the biscuit, when there is only one urinal, and the last variable is added into the equation, you would see an uncomfortable looking man furtively glancing around, wondering why fate has been so cruel to him.

I have seen a few men who decide to hold on to his "beliefs" and wait for the "comfort"zone rather than letting go.

The expression of pain on the "Judas" (*) during this"boot-up" time is priceless, (for everything elsethere is Master, right?)

Does modern man still have his caveman instincts? Isthis the territorial imperative at work? Not having spent much time with Dilbert, I am unsure if this has something to do with the mutation of the caveman instincts in modern man.

Like I said at the beginning, I am not pissed off at all, just curious.


Note : (*) Judas : The apostle who betrayed his divine master.

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