Saturday, February 19, 2005

Atlantis discovered and the Mars Farts

From the beginning of the recorded human history there was this talk of the lost continent of Atlantis. I believe that this is true.

I also believe that we have been looking at the wrong place for the lost continent, and I believe that we have been looking for the wrong object.

I am putting forward two pieces of information, based on which I will draw up a potential hypotheses and a loosely woven story as to what happened millions of years ago.(but i must confess that this is all just part of my collective subconscious and is not based on any personal experience or any direct interaction or observation)

The first piece of information:

Quoting from a website "Plato in 350 B.C described Atlantis in various dialogues as per his descriptions the Atlanteans were a wealthy, successful, politically advanced and militarily powerful society that overrun Europe with their armies, being only defeated and repulsed by the Greeks. Shortly afterwards an earthquake caused Atlantis to sink beneath the ocean. Plato recounts the story of Egyptian priests who 200 years earlier had reportedly described Atlantis as a powerful island empire seeking to dominate the Mediterranean world more than 9,000 years before Plato's time."

The second piece of information:

Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter there is something called the asteroid belt, this is the largest collection of asteroids orbiting our Sun. Hundreds of thousands of asteroids, none with a diameter of over 1,000 kilometers, and only sixteen of them over 240 km, spin around the Sun.

The hypotheses :

In the vast seas of our solar system there existed a planet called Atlantis, this between Mars and Jupiter. This planet was extremely wealthy, successful, politically advanced and militarily powerful society, with a very highly advanced science and weapon technologies.

The scientists of Atlantis were monitoring a planet( 3rd from the sun, around which 9 planets orbit, or is it ten?) they had big plans for this planet, the bio-probes they had sent from Atlantis were mixing all kind of organic chemicals and they landed up with a set of 4 new hydrocarbon chains, they called it Vadinine, Thighmine, Sitosine, Gauvanine(over thousands of years the true names have been lost and we now know then under a different name, Watson and Kirk almost got it right).

One of the pointy hat Johnnies started mixing and matching these 4, threw in little bit of electricity and voila, life was born and things have been evolving every since.

In the meantime there were signs of impending doom on Atlantis, there was a certain mutant strain of a virus which was slowly wiping out the entire race of Atlanteans (the 3rd rock infection, they called it, 'cause this was imported from the 3rd rock from the sun, duh!).

A few Atlanteans decided that it was time for some of them to move out of the home planet and get to a safe place (of course after getting vaccinated and getting necessary custom clearances). They decided on this blue planet covered with H20. And they decided to call it Earth.

At first there was light! (while you read the below, keep your copy of Genesis open next to you, you will be amazed at the similarities in thought process)

A limited number of people (you can guess the demographic profile of these guys right? Guys like Atlantean Bush, and other VVIP’s) get up on a spaceship and land up on planet Earth.

In the mean time back on Atlantis, the crazed mob (the universe is such a small place,after all) decides to hijack the most powerful weapon on Atlantis, and after the capture they accidentally set it off (there was this one button on the bomb which said "do not touch" and you know what happens when someone tells you not to do something, somethings never change) and blew the entire planet of Atlantis into tiny pieces of rock, these rocks still orbit around in the solar system between Mars and Jupiter, if you look closely, you may find a few calcified skeletons too, one of them would be having a smiling face and would be holding a piece of metal and a plastic button on which the words "Do not touch" is written in bold red letters.

There is this one theory that goes to explain why the guy pressed the button,the theory goes that the 3rd rock infection made the Atlanteans color blind(this has never been conclusively proved due to the lack of willing atlanteans for the study) and this guy thought that pressing this button would get him a cup of coffee.

The Atlanteans who have traveled to Earth were heart broken that the mother planet was lost forever( and they cursed the day coffee was discovered).

Over the next thousands of years they start interacting with the Neanderthal man and the Homo sapiens, and they decided that homo sapiens had a better chance of evolving into something worthwhile. They terminated (with extreme prejudice) the Neanderthal man in a shameful black bag operation and then the homo sapiens flourished.

They kept feeding in technological inputs to homo sapiens. Atlanteans indulged in some serious R&R (what is now called as getting a nookie or a quickie) with the locals, this accounts for a few deviants in the homo sapiens race, guys like Genghis khan, Einstein etc. You can guess the other folks on earth who carry the original Atlantean genes.

Somewhere during this time (give or take a million years) they decided to clear out the dino’s from planet earth,(there you see, one more, till now, unexplained mystery solved, the stuff about ice age and meteorite striking the earth were just cover stories, (the file for this operations ("Operation Medium Rare") will be open for public reading in another 2 million years).

The debauchery recorded here are so shamefull, the entire race has still not forgotten this big party which happened a few million year back, and they shudder when then think of all the dino steaks they had that shameful day.

Some of the Atlanteans on their R&R(they liked their scotch neat) kept talking of their lost planet, and when they were sober, using simple analogies they explained to the Homo sapiens about Atlantis, they told stories about their lost planet. The homo sapiens were finding it difficult to understand what planets were, or what an Mass Degenerating Weapon was (WDM, guys do you see what is happening? not much has changed), the Atlanteans used examples of an island in the middle of the sea, stuff the homo sapiens could relate to. The homo sapiens were told that the this island disappeared in an earthquake.

The homo sapiens started inducting this into their bedtime stories and the legend of the Island of Atlantis was born.

Just to record a few famous atlanteans who are still part of our collective subconscious , remember

- Ra the Egpytian sun god
- Zeus
- Apollo
- Hercules
- Atlas
and guys like that.

if you research deeply you would find similar characters appearing in most of the earth's religious folklore.

p.s. the methane emission on mars, makes me think that something bad is going on,on mother earth, are the original Atlanteans moving onto Mars from earth? about the methane signature observered on Mars, was this an accidental leak from the sewage system of an Atlantean colony on Mars. Time will tell.

signing of for now, earth date feb 21,2005

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