Friday, January 13, 2006

Pulse of the blog ecosystem

have you ever wanted to get a feel of what are the blogs around, how popular your blog is and profile of the blogger/bloggers? i just came across this site called the blogpulse. click here for the site.

i have visited this site, there seems to be so many options and features available.

quite a lot of the blog resources ("directories") are managed manually, ie someone updates or punches in the url of a blog and then the blog gets updated into database of blogs.

this is the second site where i have come across where there is an automated process of searching and additions of blogs. the first being
i have not seen any categorization option in blogpulse, maybe i need to search more or deeper. on the other hand has an active categorization process, being handled by the game players and this categorization is in turn moderated by game players who have achieved a certain level of expertise in evaluating such categorization. an exciting game, this and very addictive. just to bleat about it i had managed to reach the top 20 players in the game before the "market crash" and now i do not seem to have the time to play this full time. but i still do spend some time on this once in a while.

getting back to there are few nifty tools available, Trend Search: gives you ability to plot graphs on blogs based on search terms, Featured Trends : to quote the site "one-click answer to the simple question: "What’s
the buzz?" ", Conversation Tracker: creates a threaded view of the millions of "conversations" taking place on the internet(WOW!),Blogpulse Profiles(this is beta) helps the users find more in-depth information about specific blogs and their authors. the profile did not find much for this blog or for my photoblog

and interesting place this one. keep an eye on this one.

Technorati Tags: blogpulse, blogshares

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