Thursday, January 12, 2006

this happens only in the us of a, a new spin on spam

Supreme Court refuses to hear Univ. of Texas spam case - Computerworld

this is the original link from where i picked up this new article.

Some sanity in usa. the land of might is right and anyone gets to have his 15 minutes of fame. land where (this is the perception) anything goes and no one can question.

i, for one am happy to hear this. wonder what the spammer's will come up with next?

or would the next bunch of people to come up to the supreme court come with an argument that law cannot stop one from killing/raping/murdering people because of the following reason

a) guess i am not qualified enough to get a new spin on the existing law, and figure out a way of getting a loop hole.
b) reason 2, bloody hell, i just want to take a chance and see if i can get this through.
c) wait and watch.

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