Saturday, January 14, 2006

wtf wmf

i find that my blog posting have become kind of newsgator'ish and not much fun, so kind of working on making up something which is funny along the lines of why i started this blog. hopefully this will turn out as a funny fiction.

and what am i taking up for my "return" to origin? the wmf "vulnerability" in windows. some of the respected denizens of the internet are propounding the theory that this is not a vulnerability but a backdoor deliberatly left by microsoft. you can check out the podcast or the transcript of the the podcast here

i have a simple question to ask. backdoor? in wmf? what about windows itself? is this not the biggest threat to the world? why would anyone want to create a backdoor, when you have the keys to the front door.

was it a billion or 100's of millions of pcs/servers running windows in the world right now? my hypothesis is as follows, and i humbly submit this to the world for digestion. This is not a vulnerability nor a backdoor,but, a preview of the great grandson of MicroSoft Vista. this is the pre-pre-pre alpha or you can call it the proof of concept of the the new version of Microsoft Windows which is to be released in the year 2020, codename "Wolfgang Amadeus" for the desktop version or the server version codenamed "Conjuror".

why did i call it "proof of concept"? if you read the go through the podcast, mentioned above, you will recollect a word which was thrown around there? "SETABORTPROC" , this is the crux to the entire hypothesis. at this point of time i would urge all of my one reader to go through the transcript in extensive detail and to remain focused, once you have done that get back here pronto, to continue with the preview/review of the exciting new version of Windows 2020(aka "Wolfgang Amadeus").

the essential feature of "Wolfgang Amadeus" here onwards called as win2020 is borrowed from Sun vision, ie. Network is the Computer. this
"SETABORTPROC" is the most critical component of the design. the microsoft has developed code which will hook onto the WMF "vulnerability" and search for other desktop pc's and servers running the new operating system. once such a desktop is identified, the new code launches itself on both the desktops and they in turn search for other pc's with this operating system. essentially turning the entire internet into a single grid computer, with such enormous computing power, and high availability. As most of you,who, live on the planet earth , are aware that the earth rotates and revolves around the sun,giving us day and night. why did i bring that up here in a discussion on operating systems..hang on, it is highly relevant. the high availability which i talked off, is high availability on a follow the sun(solar sun, not the sun systems) pattern. as people are switching of pcs and going of to sleep, there are other people waking up and putting on their pcs.

so all you gentle folks, please take away this crazy paranoid thought that microsoft has built in a backdoor. but be enormously thrilled that you are all alpha or beta testers for windows 2020.

and why is Microsoft doing this? because they will be using this enormous grid of computers to compile the new operating sytem codename "Ant Walker" to be released in the year 2030. I would be doing a review of "ant walker" latter on.

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